Down the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem that day 그날 예루살렘의 비아 돌로로사라는 좁은 길을 The soldiers tried to clear the narrow street 병사들이 통제하려고 했지만 But the crowd pressed in to see 군중들이 밀고 들어와 The man condemned to die on Calvary. 갈보리에서 사형받을 사람을 보려했다 He was bleeding from a beating, 그는 채찍질을 당해 피를 흘리고 there were stripes upon His back. 등에는 선명한 채찍자욱 And He wore a crown of thorns upon His head 머리에는 가시관을 쓰고 And He bore w..